
I think it’s funny that I haven’t talked about my hair AT ALL on this little blog because I’m actually kind of fanatical about it in real life. I have naturally curly hair (type 3B) but it didn’t get curly until I was about 13 or 14 (puberty, anyone?) and so I love talking to other curlygirls about their hair, because I still feel like I’m trying to figure out what works best for my hair, and I love sharing what I’ve learned with others.

I recently stumbled on something that is so easy and produces AMAZING results. And it’s nearly free! I’m talking about plopping. But first, I’ll just give you a quick run-down of my hair routine, in case you’re interested. 🙂

First – I only use conditioner. I stopped using shampoo over a year ago and I haven’t looked back! I will use shampoo every month or so, or if my hair feels particularly grimy (like after a couple days of sitting around a campfire) but other than that, it’s just conditioner. And I usually stick with Dove, Herbal Essences (the blue one), or some kind of tea tree oil conditioner. My hair responds really well to that, but it’s expensive, and I don’t want it to become immune to the product. 🙂
Also! I wash my hair EVERY MORNING. I probably could get away with every other day, but I just don’t feel awake if I don’t shower. I could also probably wrap my hair in a flour sack if I didn’t want to re-wash it, but I never think of that until the conditioner is already in. It’s just habit to wash it everyday.

Next – I comb through it wet with a big comb, ring it out, then run some Herbal Essences curly mousse and gel through it. (Aveda’s curly products also work REALLY well for me, but again, they’re spendy, so I might just keep them on hand to use for nice occasions.)

Then – I plop my hair like this using a BIG flour sack. I then finish getting ready, and after about 10-15 minutes I remove the flour sack, give it a light shake, and I’m done! I then don’t touch my hair for the rest of the day.

I think plopping (or plunking) has really helped make my hair be more consistently curly, and it’s right up there as one of the single greatest advancements in my hair regimen.

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8 Responses to Plopping!

  1. Kris says:

    I feel your pain. Looks amazing on you! and makes so much sense.
    am off to give it a go. thanks for posting!! here’s to fabulous hair.

  2. funessa says:

    Thanks so much! I hope you try it – it really helped keep my curls bouncy!

  3. Janet says:

    Even though I am the opposite of curly, I am completely fascinated by this process and how magical it is! I love your hair this length too!

  4. TeRangi says:

    My hair is exactly the same as yours and I can’t wait to give this a go. I have been cutting my hair fairly short so it wasn’t so much of a hassle. Since I’ve decided to grow it longer again, lots of people comment how curly my hair is! I just need to be able to “tame” it a bit more. Thanks!!

  5. Kelly says:

    I am not a curly girl but my daughter is, so none of what I know for hair care works for her. Any benefit to say plopping her hair in a t-shirt for 20 minutes then in a satin cap for the night? She starts school in two weeks and I feel like a fish out of water.

  6. Your hair looks a lot like mine. I found that Palmer’s Coconut Oil Hair Pudding made my curls just amazing if I put it on wet hair then plopped it. Best part? It’s like $6 a jar.

  7. Helgi says:

    Same happened to me. I went on a summer school brake with straight hair when I was 13 and came back in September with curly hair. Of course no one wanted to believe me it was mine. Another weird story is that with my pregnancy my hair went back to straight again. I was really disappointed. When my daughter was 1,5 years old I started noticing my hair going curly again ( but a looser curl)but only in front, I have quite straight hair in the back still, maybe slightly wavy. So yes hormones seems to do crazy things to your body.

  8. Pingback: Quick Hairstyles For Wet Hair - Hairstyles

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